Simply closer
to the market

24th MathFinance

Thu. 19th & Fri. 20th September 2024

Burg Reichenstein – Trechtingshausen

Thank you for your interest!

In short, MathFinance will once again bring together the quantitative finance community. This is a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between investment banking and academic research in mathematical finance. 

On this ocassion the MathFinance conference will take place in a venue with a special atmosphere. The venue is the Burg Reichenstein. It is located 75km from Frankfurt and can be easily reached by car or train. This time we’ll be interacting with the leading financial engineers on site, and we’re confident you’ll enjoy networking during the daytime, taking afterwards a relaxing stroll through the vineyards. Not to mention the fantastic dinner with a view to the Rhine river on Thursday evening.
The MathFinance conference is all about cutting-edge research and brand-new practical applications. Certainly, this is the ideal opportunity for practitioners in the areas of trading, quantitative or derivative research, risk and asset management, insurance, as well as academics studying or researching in the field of financial mathematics.
We are excited to explore the theme of machine learning in derivatives pricing, crypto exotics markets, explainable machine learning, risk estimation, theta and P&L explain, climate finance, and much more. To conclude, we are proud to announce that this year we will be welcoming some of the world’s leading experts in quantitative finance.


Day 1 

Thursday – September  19th, 2024


10:30 Registration (Morning Session Chair Rolf Poulsen)

10:50 Opening Remarks day 1: Uwe Wystup, MathFinance

11:00 Valuing Real Estate Portfolios with Machine Learning Using Geospatial and Macroeconomic Data: Natalie Packham & Sami Alkhoury, Berlin School
of Economics and Law

11:30 Deep Hedging with Model Embedding: Fabienne Schmid, Rivacon

12:00 A model-free analysis of optimal portfolios: Johannes Prömel, University of Mannheim

 12:30 A Market Design for Multiple Securities and Minimal American Option Exercise: Bruno Dupire, Bloomberg

13:00 Photo session & Lunch Break (Afternoon Session Chair Natalie Packham)

14:00 Smile Dynamics and Rough Volatility: Stefano De Marco, École Polytechnique

14:30 Delta Least Squares Monte Carlo Pricing of American Options: Rolf Poulsen, University of Copenhagen

15:00 A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space approach to singular local stochastic volatility McKean-Vlasov models: Christian Bayer, Weierstrass Institute

15:30 Coffee Break

16:00 Derivatives on crypto underlyings: Steffen Härting, Deloitte

16:30 More Market Data in the Cloud: Rittik Wystup, BCC Group

17:00 OTC Derivatives Trades Visualized: Wojciech Mucha & Przemysław Klups, Enterprai

17:30 Ending Remarks day 1: Uwe Wystup, MathFinance

17:45 Castle / Museum tour, Olga und Nikolaus Kirsch-Puricelli

19:00 Reception

19:30 Conference Dinner

Conference venue:

Price: EUR 1290 incl. German VAT

Information for early birds:  Your ticket price includes the accommodation at one of our partner hotels. The room availability is limited. Book now!

MathFinance will make video and audio recordings during the event. By registering, the participant expressly agrees that MathFinance may make and publish recordings of his or her person.

Day 2

Friday –  September 20th, 2024


08:30 Registration (Morning Session Chair Martin Simon)

09:00 Climate Risk Revisited: Martin Simon, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

09:30 Dynamic calibration of uncertainty in affine models: Thorsten Schmidt, University of Freiburg

10:00 Learning Extreme Expected Shortfall With Neutral Networks, Apllications to Crypto Markets: Emmanuel Gobet, École Polytechnique

10:30 Modelling Climate Risk for Reinsurance: Erik Vynckier, Foresters Friendly Society

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Navigating Climate Finance: Software Solutions for Climate Risk Management: Elre Oldewage, MathWorks

12:00 Structured OTC FX – Evolution of Platforms from Single-Dealer to Multi-Dealer: Milind Kulkarni, FinIQ

12:30 The New Cutting-Edge Approach to FX Risk Management: Enrico Ferrante, FX Alpha Consulting

13:00 Lunch Break (Afternoon Session Chair Uwe Wystup)

14:15 Panel: Electronic Trading and Platform Innovation: Stefan Hamberger, Enrico Ferrante, Milind Kulkarni.  Moderator: Peter Hahn

14:45 Fit for purpose? A new look at the term premium!: Jessica James, Commerzbank AG, London

15:15: Coffee Break

16:15 The Deceptive Nature of Large Market-Based Financial Systems: Christoph Becker, Hochschule Darmstadt

16:45 Non-adversarial training of Neural SDEs with signature kernel scores: Blanka Horvath, University of Oxford

17:15 The Short Lira Put Option Investment Wealth or Trap of Price Spikes Causing Disastrous Losses: Uwe Wystup, MathFinance

17:45 Closing Remarks: Uwe Wystup, MathFinance

All times in CET (Central European Time)



Dr. Christian Bayer

Weierstrass Institute
A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space approach to singular local stochastic volatility McKean-Vlasov models

Prof. Dr. Christoph Becker

Hochschule Darmstadt
The Deceptive Nature of Large Market-Based Financial Systems

Dr. Bruno Dupire

A Market Design for Multiple Securities and Minimal American Option Exercise

Enrico Ferrante

FX Alpha Consulting
The New Cutting Edge Approach to FX Risk Management

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Gobet

Ecole Polytechnique
Learning Extreme Expected Shortfall with Neural Networks, Apllications to Crypto-Markets

Blanka Horvath

University of Oxford
Non-adversarial training of Neural SDEs with signature kernel scores

Dr. Jessica James

Commerzbank AG
Fit for purpose? A new take on the Term Premium

Prof. Dr. Stefano de Marco

Ecole Polytechnique
Smile dynamics and rough volatility

Dr. Steffen Härting

Derivatives on crypto underlyings

Elre Oldewage

Navigating Climate Finance: Software Solutions for Climate Risk Management

Prof. Dr. Natalie Packham

Berlin School of Economics and Law
Valuing Real Estate Portfolios with Machine Learning Using Geospatial and Macroeconomic Data

Prof. Dr. Rolf Poulsen

University of Copenhagen
Delta Least Squares Monte Carlo Pricing of American Options

Stefan Hamberger

FX Alpha eBusiness Consulting
Electronic Trading and Platform Innovation

Prof. Dr. David Johannes Prömel

University of Mannheim
A model-free analysis of optimal portfolios

Dr Przemysław Klupś

OTC Derivatives Trades Visualized

Milind Kulkarni

Structured OTC FX - Evolution of Platforms from Single-Dealer to Multi-Dealer

Wojciech Mucha

OTC Derivatives Trades Visualized

Dr. Fabienne Schmid

Deep Hedging with Model Embedding

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schmidt

University of Freiburg
Dynamic calibration of uncertainty in affine models

Prof. Dr. Martin Simon

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Climate Risk Revisited

Erik Vynckier

Foresters Friendly Society
Modelling Climate Risk for Reinsurance

Rittik Wystup

BCC Group
More Market Data in the Cloud

Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup

MathFinance AG
The Short Lira Put Option Investment Wealth or Trap of Price Spikes Causing Disastrous Losses



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Affiliate Partners


The 24th MathFinance Conference on Thursday+Friday  September, 19-20th will be held on Burg Reichenstein, a castle on the cultural world heritage middle Rhine valley, one hour from Frankfurt.

In the scenic environment participants can dive into quant topics without distraction, network with their peers, clients, and friends in a relaxed atmosphere in the middle of vineyards. The castle is owned and run by the Puricelli family and their descendants, hosting us in their ancient walls. An outdoor bowling alley can be used after dinner in the castle garden.


Information for early birds:

Your ticket price includes the accommodation at one of our hotels. The room availability is limited. Book now!

Burg Reichenstein

Burg Reichenstein GmbH & Co. KG
Burgweg 24
55413 Trechtingshausen

T: +49 (0) 6721 6117

Route planner

Burg Reichenstein


Select your hotel and book your accommodation

Burg Reichenstein
Burgweg 24
55413 Trechtingshausen
T: +49 (0) 6721 6117

Places are limited, please book early.

The castle has a limited number of rooms. For additional accommodation we work with the nh-hotel in Bingen.

Am Rhein Nahe Eck/Museumstrasse 3, 55411, Bingen am Rhein – Deutschland
T: +49 6721 7960

We offer you a Shuttle-Service from Bingen to the burg.

Burg Reichenstein

Burg Reichenstein 01_IMG_3854
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Burg Reichenstein_02_IMG_3843
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