Simply closer
to financial markets

Derivatives Training

We provide:

  • in-house training
  • coaching on derivatives, models and structuring. Delegates from over a hundred banks have been trained in FX options.
  • we organise quant training programmes for banks (trading, risk management, model validation) on financial products, valuation, modelling, risk management and applications.

Training Calendar

Interest Rate Derivatives and Equity Derivatives courses can also be provided on demand. For further information about the courses, please contact us at:

Title Dates Location Trainer Participants Price Download
FX Vanilla Options - Warsaw May 8-9, 2025 Hotel Bristol, Warsaw (PL) Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup max. 20 FX-AdvancedVanillaOptions-Seminar-Inhouse-Agenda_short-version
FX Exotic Options upon request Onsite and Online Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup max. 20 upon request FXExoticOptionsSeminar-Inhouse_short agenda
FX Advanced Vanilla Options upon request Onsite and Online Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup max. 20 upon request FX-AdvancedVanillaOptions-Seminar-Inhouse-Agenda_short-version
FX Structured Products upon request Onsite and Online Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup max. 20 upon request FXStructuredProductsSeminar-Inhouse_Agenda short
Numerical Methods in Finance: Mental Arithmetics the Ancient Indian Way upon request Onsite and Online Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup max. 20 upon request
Numerical Methods in Finance: Monte Carlo Simulation, PDE Methods, Greeks, Integration, Stochastic Volatility, Transform Techniques upon request Onsite and Online Prof. Dr. Uwe Wystup max. 20 upon request
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Applications for Financial Markets Flexible Online Prof.Dr. Thorsten Schmidt max. 60 -early bird- for the first 10 Registration Form
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Applications for Financial Markets Flexible Online Prof.Dr. Thorsten Schmidt max. 60 -early bird- for the first 10 Registration Form

Course details

Who should enroll?


Traders: To deepen the technical background

Risk Managers: To understand the front-office way of thinking

Structurers: To learn more about pricing and models

Sales People: To get the overview of product development and smile adjustments

Quants/ Financial Engineers: To learn how the products are used

Researchers: To understand the practical matters

This course is for anyone new to Derivatives and for those who need to bring their knowledge up to date and learn how the overall FX options market works. The course covers the relevant market data, FX volatility smile construction, Greeks with and without smile, applications of FX options in treasury and private banking.


Why choose us?



Uwe Wystup has been teaching this course for over 20 years and refines it constantly to the specific needs of the banking industry.


Following banks and software companies have sent regular participants to these courses:

ABN Amro, Bank of America MerrilLynch, Banca IMI, Bank of Thailand, Barclays, Bloomberg, BNP Paribas, BHF-Bank,  Commerzbank, Danskebank, Deka Bank, Dresdner Kleinwort, DZ Bank, GPS Capital Markets, HSBC, ICICI Bank, ING, KBC Belgium, La CaixaSpain, LandesbankiIsland, Lippobank, Lloyds, Maybank, Morgan Stanley, Nordea, OCBC, Royal MerchandBank South Africa, RBS, Standard Chartered, SIAM Commercial Bank, Superderivatives, The Austrian Banking Regulation Association, UBS, Unicredit, Wachovia (USA), World Bank


Uwe and his team at MathFinance work on the current challenges of the financial industry in their projects on a daily basis. They belong to the few global hybrids working on bridging the gap between the derivatives market and academic research.


Selected Readings by Professor Uwe Wystup in Wilmott's FX Column


Structured Forwards
for Corporates

1 hr webinar by Prof. Uwe Wystup

FX Accumulators
and Target Forwards

25 min audio lecture by Prof. Uwe Wystup

What is a mustache in the financial markets?

min lecture snippet by
Prof. Uwe Wystup
as a part of the FX Options Seminar

Vol Smiles in USD/JPY

2 min video snippet by
Prof. Uwe Wystup
as a part of the FX Options Seminar

Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning

15 min video snippet by
Prof. Thorsten Schmidt


Some quotes from former attendees:

“I would like to thank Uwe Wystup for providing this course. It is very well organized, hundreds of questions were answered, many details clarified, especially those that one can hardly find in a text-book. I really enjoyed it, thank you.”

“Best balance between practice and theory”

“Great course with in-depth about (exotic) FX options. Uwe clearly has lots of experience and explains the complex material very clear.”


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